ack i reallyREALLY need to update.
i'm like posting once in a month.
you are utterly despicable, valerie.
i'm telling you. =/
wilfred: heh yesyes GOOD. haha yeah. i hope you enjoyed it too, what with being the games head and all =)
carmen: haha thankyou thankyou. i added you already YAY! =)
it has just come to mind that this blogger here wants to scrape her blog and has been saying that for a longLONG time but has not come about to do it yet.
this is called procrastination.
and although this isn't really what this blogger here would call an important subject to consider taking immediate action on, she feels mighty bad about it.
okay and now, this blogger doesn't even want to reply.
how rude.
eeyer i'm crapping all the way!!
yesyes i really need to update.
i shall do just that...soon.
because i currently do not have the time to spend 1 and a half hours on a single post.
but i do have one thing to tell everyone.
and that is that I NEED TO SLIM DOWN.
not monitoring my weight hasn't done me any good.
i need to return to my old ways.
as in take down my weight every single morning.
until my weight is just what i want.
i need reminding.
that i have grown fat once again and should not grow any fatter.
now when should i start my routine...
AHA valerie now THIS is something you CANNOT procrastinate about.
you shall start it RIGHT THIS MOMENT, if not i'll come after you with a chopper and chop all your fats away!
now this is called randomnisation. ^^
i'm like posting once in a month.
you are utterly despicable, valerie.
i'm telling you. =/
wilfred: heh yesyes GOOD. haha yeah. i hope you enjoyed it too, what with being the games head and all =)
carmen: haha thankyou thankyou. i added you already YAY! =)
it has just come to mind that this blogger here wants to scrape her blog and has been saying that for a longLONG time but has not come about to do it yet.
this is called procrastination.
and although this isn't really what this blogger here would call an important subject to consider taking immediate action on, she feels mighty bad about it.
okay and now, this blogger doesn't even want to reply.
how rude.
eeyer i'm crapping all the way!!
yesyes i really need to update.
i shall do just that...soon.
because i currently do not have the time to spend 1 and a half hours on a single post.
but i do have one thing to tell everyone.
and that is that I NEED TO SLIM DOWN.
not monitoring my weight hasn't done me any good.
i need to return to my old ways.
as in take down my weight every single morning.
until my weight is just what i want.
i need reminding.
that i have grown fat once again and should not grow any fatter.
now when should i start my routine...
AHA valerie now THIS is something you CANNOT procrastinate about.
you shall start it RIGHT THIS MOMENT, if not i'll come after you with a chopper and chop all your fats away!
now this is called randomnisation. ^^