Friday, January 26, 2007
it's back again.

i actually thought it was over and done with.
but it came back.
i hated feeling like that the last time.
and now i still hate feeling it.
but i guess i can't help it.
i just wish it would leave me alone.
what did i do to deserve it..?
i really want to give up.
i want to end it.
sick of so many things.
mostly sick of myself.
i have no place on this earth.
it doesn't need another loser like me.

it's taking its toll on me already.
i give up.

~ self.evaluation ~
~ wish.list ~
*be more devoted to God/talk to him more
*become a musician/mathematician
*accept my flaws/love myself for who i am
*quit my negative thinking
*slim down
*master guitar
*master harp
*improve in my studies
*have my own room
*have a lot of CDs/books
~ tag.board ~
~ good.friends.=) ~
~ ~
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