Wednesday, June 21, 2006
oh yes. i forgot to talk about something.
wheee it was super fun during the camp. especially when my angel was supersupersupersuper nice to meee! yupp thank you moses!!!!!!!!! my best angel ever! woohoo.. and i was nice to my mortal too(of course). yup and i'm glad shushu liked my presents=). see, i'm a NICE person=p. lol. anyway i plan to be equally nice to my future mortals=). wahahahaha that sounded don't know. ahh forget it.

and WHY is the june hols ending so fast?! like yesterday felt like the first day of the hols, then now last week already. hai.. but come to think of it, there wasn't much to do during the hols except homework, of course. oh, and study(duh). but after that there's nothing to do already. like want to go out also don't know where to go. everywhere seems so boring. like i've been to places like science centre and omni theatre and discovery centre and the zoo and bird park etc etc like a hundred times, and now even the thought of going there makes me sick. the only nice place i can think of going to is escape theme park but then it rains everytime i want to go there. crap. i could go shopping, but my parents don't allow me to go out with my friends without 'adult supervision'. like what crap is that.
okok maybe it isn't so good to go out without my parents at my age.
i could go to the library though. there my parents don't have to stay with me because there's nowhere else to go from there. but the problem is both my parents are super busy since the church camp so they work until like 12+am or something. there was this one time my father told me that he went to pick my mother from work at about 4am. siao right. sooo late la. oh well..

ok gtg eat my lunch now. bye.

~ self.evaluation ~
~ wish.list ~
*be more devoted to God/talk to him more
*become a musician/mathematician
*accept my flaws/love myself for who i am
*quit my negative thinking
*slim down
*master guitar
*master harp
*improve in my studies
*have my own room
*have a lot of CDs/books
~ tag.board ~
~ good.friends.=) ~
~ ~
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